Ecclesiared improves the Newsletter for parishes

The Ecclesiared technical team has been making adjustments to the newsletter module of the most important parish and diocesan management program in the world in recent weeks in order to improve the service and provide parish priests with a mass communication channel for sending information.

The Newsletter module, which already allowed pastors to send written communications, now also allows them to add images to their mailings so that pastoral agents and other parish groups can receive their pastor’s communications in their e-mail.

The adjustment, requested by the Curia of the Archdiocese of Leon, allows from now on any pastor to send a mass email with attachments such as pdfs, excels or images to all the groups registered in the database tabs that Ecclesiared offers. That is, all the members of the groups of “Pastoral Agents” and “Catechesis and youth” are automatically loaded in the recipients section of the Newsletter, thus facilitating the tedious task of writing all the emails of the people to whom we want to send an email.

In addition, Technical Support has also introduced an improvement with respect to sending times, as it now offers the possibility of scheduling the mass sending of information at certain times or days.