It is now possible to export the Book of Masses to Google Calendar

From now on, Ecclesiared users will be able to export the Mass Book to Google Calendar after the Technical Support team has been working in the last weeks on this new setting that many of our users had requested.

In this way, the masses that are added to the calendar of the “Mass Book” module can be exported from the famous parish management program so that those users who want to, can later import them to the Google calendar.

To do this, the only thing that users must do is go to the tab “Parish Books – List of registers” and once in the section “print list for the altar” select the range of dates to be exported. Once exported, an Excel file will be downloaded and then we will have to import it from Google Calendar.

How to export the Ecclesiared Mass Book to Google Calendar?

The process performs an export in CSV format (as google needs) and this file must be imported into Google Calendar. To import it is done from the “Settings” gear of Google Calendar.

Then select the file and on which calendar the import should be performed.