New tab “Circulars and communiqués” for Dioceses

The Ecclesiared team has been working in recent weeks on a new adjustment that as of today is already available in the famous parish and diocesan management program. With the intention of continuing to improve and help the thousands of parishes that regularly use the software for the administrative management of their parish, the technical team has created a new module called “Circulars and communiqués”.

The new tab is designed so that diocesan users can share important documents with all the parishes in their dioceses. In this way, those Dioceses that use Ecclesiared will be able to post the important documents they need to send to their parish priests as a bulletin board.

With this new improvement, the Dioceses will be able to organize even more the administrative management of their parishes since it will no longer be necessary to send a circular to one hundred or two hundred parishes one by one. Now, the person in charge of this module from the Diocesan Curia user will be able to share the document in this section. Seconds later, all the parishes will be notified through the communication channel and by email so that they can access this tab to read the information.

This new module will be available only for those parishes in which your Diocese also works with Ecclesiared. Likewise, it is important to remember that this section will only be available for parishes, which will allow them to access and download any document or circular that the Curia itself has previously uploaded.